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September 21, 2005

Perfect action?

A friend of mine and I were having a conversation yesterday, when we realized that when it comes to how we live, almost all of us are one of the following types:

  1. The planners – These people are always planning and looking forward to the next thing they are going to be doing. They always think ahead, and keep setting goals to achieve, and keep working towards that. To them that is life. They often do more than what is needed. But they miss out on a key component that enriches life – living in the present. They never have the time to enjoy the present moment.
  2. As opposed to the planners, they claim to live in the present. They are not too worried about what is going to happen tomorrow. They are usually laidback, do not set themselves big goals to achieve, and enjoy what they do. But they often end up not doing what needs to be done. Their life goes wasted due to lethargy and procrastination.

But there is a fine line of balance where we do everything we need to, without any lethargy and procrastination, but at the same time live life in the present moment, enjoying every bit of it. How do we achieve this balance? This is something to ponder over. May be, this is what is known as ‘perfect action’.


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