Zero = Infinity    *****    If you can enjoy sadness, then nothing can stop you from being happy always    *****    Love is the flow of positive energy from one soul to another   *****    An atheist can realise God more easily than the staunchest theist
September 02, 2005

Back again

It’s nearly been two months since there has been a blog posted on this page. This one is the first since July 6th, and it seems to be a sort of second life. In fact, in a previous blog that I owned, I went through a long phase of inactivity. The first post after that hiatus talked about the second life. द्िवतीय जन्म

I had then talked about दि्वजः - one with two births. It refers to oviparous animals, and also to a Brahmana. A Brahmana is one who is supposed to have realized the Brahman. In this post, I intend to raise a question that might seem absurd. Nevertheless, I think it is worth giving a thought.

If you have two births, should you not have two deaths? Logically yes. If so, what are these two deaths referring to? What is the second death in the case of a bird, and also what is it in the case of a Brahmana?

Think about it.


Blogger Devi said...

I feel, in case of BrAhmana, getting realized is like re-birth. if u agree to this, the same time can be considered as the death of man who wasn't Brahman. These extra birth and death makes the count logical right !

Blogger The Ignoramus said...

Traditionally, the second birth of a Brahmin has been thought of as his Brahmopadesham. Obviously, the question of him becoming a realized soul does not arise at that juncture.

I meant a death of a different sort. The person dies, yet is alive. Makes no sense? Think more. I will definitely post it sometime here.


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