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September 12, 2005

"Is anyone understanding me?"

Often we find that people or an individual fails to understand us. What do we mean by that? Is it that they really do not understand us?

When I was thinking about it, I realized that each one of us has a certain idea of what we are. We also have an idea of what the other person thinks of us. Notice that this idea need not be what they really think of us. They may think we are good, but we may be thinking that they think we are bad. So, we now have two ideas in our mind. We draw a comparison between these two ideas. If they match, we say that they understand us, and when they don’t, we say they don’t understand us. This may explain why we find very few people who understand us.

So, now ask this question: What if we didn’t have either one of these ideas in our minds? Would we have a problem of people not understanding us?


Blogger Sumana Sundaresan said...

A valid question!
If we didn't have both ideas, maybe we would be open enough to accept all or many people to have a good understand of us.

When you are considering that there are two ideas in our head, another thought passed my mind. In all likely possibility, the 'others idea of you' which you hold in your mind could be false or true.If it is true, you are a good judge of a person and their views about you..there itself you can say, you have a good understanding of them, hence you are in sync with them!
If your idea of 'the others idea of you' is false, then irrespective of whether 'idea of you'='their idea of you', your not in sync with them

Was that complex ;)

Blogger The Ignoramus said...


if it is means you understand them well..but they still need not be understanding us, and still further, we may still be feeling that they do not understand us.

if it is means we are not redinng their thoughts well...but it may be possible that they understand us pretty well.

Getting too complex, huh? Yes...for me too...:)


Your last paragraph, is not all that clear.

Blogger The Ignoramus said...


yes.. have heard about it. In fact, each is given a name too. Things like known self, hidden self, unknown self, etc. Don't remember exactly.


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