Zero = Infinity    *****    If you can enjoy sadness, then nothing can stop you from being happy always    *****    Love is the flow of positive energy from one soul to another   *****    An atheist can realise God more easily than the staunchest theist
October 30, 2004

Doer and Deed

The Gita says that inaction is harmful. Therefore a man must act. However, his action is not perfect when performed with the idea of doership in mind. Karma Yoga also suggests that we surrender all our actions to the Supreme Being.

What this essentially means is there is a Supreme Force in Nature which can operate through human beings. It can because it is possible for the human to interfere in the process. When we do something, if we think we are the doer, we are diminshing the power of Nature to operate through us. If we can act by invoking that Force, by thinking 'I am not doing, but He is doing', we allow the Nature to work through us. By thinking so,we are laying a conduit for the Nature's infinite power to work through us. Therefore, all our actions become perfect, for when the doer is Perfect, the deed is automatically perfect.

This is what Prof.Menon and I discussed today when we met. It is a challenge for me to truly understand the significance of this and bring it into my life completely.


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