Zero = Infinity    *****    If you can enjoy sadness, then nothing can stop you from being happy always    *****    Love is the flow of positive energy from one soul to another   *****    An atheist can realise God more easily than the staunchest theist
October 28, 2004

Giving up myself

A new realisation dawned upon me last night.

I have been thinking that I am a very unselfish, generous person. This notion took a beating when I realised that there are a lot of things that I am too reluctant to give up. My ideologies, my thinking, my pride, and my life itself have been so important to me that they have been an obstacle in me building positive and healthy relationships with people. I have been far too important for myself all these days.

I realise that the only way I can get out of this tangle is to just give up everything for someone.


Blogger Aradhya said...

Machcha, Give aaappp!!!!!

Seriously, if you do give up everything for someone, then will it be YOU they will get as a result???

PS: Is this "someone" generic, or is it someone specific?

Blogger Ajit said...

u probably wanted to give all that you have, not give up everything. total surrender brings out the best in us.


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