Zero = Infinity    *****    If you can enjoy sadness, then nothing can stop you from being happy always    *****    Love is the flow of positive energy from one soul to another   *****    An atheist can realise God more easily than the staunchest theist
November 02, 2004


What do the following have in common? A sunrise, a full moon, palm-lined beach, snow-capped Himalayan peak, the smell of a rose, or jasmine on south Indian women's head, and Aishwarya Rai. They are all beautiful.

Whenever we see something beautiful, we feel joy. It cannot be called happiness. It is joy. The joy born out of seeing beauty in what we see, or what we smell, or touch. We are overwhelmed by that beauty, so much that we forget yourself. It is then that we feel complete joy. The joy of non-being.

How many times have we been to an exotic tourist location, and wished we could carry the place with us back home? I bet we have felt it everytime. I wonder why. My guess is it is because we love the feeling of non-being. The feeling of forgetting ourself completely, triggered by the beauty in our experience. It seems that beauty has this magic power to make us feel that joy. This joy enriches the whole experience. Without it, there is nothing.

Going a little deeper into our thought process, the joy arises not just everytime we see beauty but everytime we discover beauty. Let me make things clear. There are times when we have been seeing something for a long time, but when we look at them in new light, we are left spell bound. This can happen when we suddenly discover something new. There we see beauty.

Having said this, imagine how we would feel if we discover the beauty in everything around us. Still, imagine how we would feel if we could discover the beauty in ourself. After all, we are all His creation. How then can we not be beautiful?


Blogger The Ignoramus said...

Sure freakenstein... actually i want to do that, but it is so difficult for me not to see something in a philosophical perspective. But ya.... i must try doing what you say if i need readership. I will do it someday


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