I never was, I never am, I never will be
So, ever since beginning of time, Energy has existed. This energy takes different forms, one changing into another. It has condensed into matter too. Forms have been changing, and it will always keep changing. What we say as the beginning of Creation is nothing but that point when the form assumed by this energy becomes perceptible to the human mind. That is apparently when the Universe came into being, and manifestation took place. What existed before that is supposed to be the unmanifest form of the Energy. What is important for us to understand is that this Energy is the same.
All through ages the forms have changed. Is it then possible that at one particular instant of time, a new entity which is not a part of this can appear, and the same entity disappear after some finite period of time? In other words, is it possible for me to come into picture all of a sudden, and disappear all of a sudden? After all, before the 'birth' of the so-called 'I', I never existed. Obviously, I will not exist after the 'death' of the so-called 'I'. How then can 'I' exist in between these two? Isn't it the same Energy that exists throughout?
You cannot but be somewhere in the universe..If not on earth, on someother planet or loka..even after death too and it makes a lot of sense...I read a book recently that said people like jesus, buddha,etc came to earth on a purpose..to show us the right path..After their death they didn't vanish in thin air...They went back to what are called enlightenend socities...'Life beyond the earth!', also known as deva lokas in mythology.
So even if you have attained enlightenment, my friend, you got to exist somewhere in the universe(conservation of energy), till
'pralayam' or collapse of universe...where you would lose your soul identity and become one with pure
Did u realise that 'I' is the label given to denote a part of this continuum of Energy? In fact, every name is just a label given to the same continuum, but manifest in different forms.
Actually, I have said the same thing earlier too, but the presentation is different this time. That's the only difference.
Why do you call yourself a new entity?
You are the manifested energy, your manifestations have varied over the eons
since the creation of the universe...Your form of a human being now is just one of the numerous forms that have been taken by you...Being born a human is considered really lucky..since you are that much closer to
the truth than if you were to be a deer, which would act only on instincts...
Why and how you take a form is decided by your karma, which is wrongly understood by many people...
I don't think you have got the point karthik. My questions are asked not for me to get an answer, but with the intention of raising these questions to those who read this, and get them to think about life, universe and everything in a way they have not done before. (Well, it is perhaps arrogance to assume people have not thought this way before...but then, if they have, well and good. Else, there could be something new here for them to think about)
If you truly understand what I am saying, then you would see that I am not saying anything different from what you are.
Oh ok..the last few lines wasn't in sync with the rest, that made me comment...Shud have read between the lines:)
What I'd like to say is, that you and me and all other entities of this universe are just microcosmic "state-changes". We are there to exist and disappear and contribute to the above-said process.
Does the above sound more absurd than anyother Matter-Energy non-scientific article? I have done a good job then.
Interesting idea. That the interconvertibility of matter and energy can explain everything. How do you explain life ? Is soul a form of invisible energy ?
om tat sat - I am that.
ENERGY : A word which has brought the universe into existence....a word which is responsible for all life on earth, the word which is taken for granted, used/misused by all beings. The fact that we EXIST in this world, which, according to me is a virtual reality....constantly changing.....but never ending.
It has given birth to so many things, it's the cause of death for so many creations, it's what explains the fact that we are LIVING. In such a scenario, the identity "I" is such a small quantity. The word "US" would perhaps bring more solidarity into the statement. Every small entity is recognised by it's group/sorrounding on the bigger picture. The fact that energy chose to exist through us, must be the reality which should be appreciated.
In the end, the word "I" will not matter at all.
What of entropy? Where does entropy fit into the scheme of things in your opinion? I reckon entropy "prohibits" you from coming "into the picture" all of a sudden.
There is a lot to le said of
\int {dq_{rev}/T}!
And while on the topic of Energy, do you or do you not agree that Energy Tech rules?
It's interesting that I should read your blog today when only last night I saw this Hallmark Presentation of Hawking - a mini-movie about the life of Stephen Hawking. He proved Einstein's nothing-in-everything-evertthing-in-nothing theory by postulating it in his explanation of the beginning of the universe. :) Very good question. So then perhaps, there's no such thing as a non-existing 'I' since 'I' is always existing whether in matter form or energy?
And if there is no non-existing 'I' then there is only the existing 'I'. There is no middle ground.
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