Zero = Infinity    *****    If you can enjoy sadness, then nothing can stop you from being happy always    *****    Love is the flow of positive energy from one soul to another   *****    An atheist can realise God more easily than the staunchest theist
October 17, 2005

Some more on identity

Is the M.D of Deloitte entirely at fault for his mistaken identity? Is it also not because the world sees him so? Day in and day out, that poor fellow is looked at as the M.D. Will it not then play on his mind and fool him into believing what he believes? Eventually, he too begins to think of himself as the M.D. Who is to be blamed? He or the others?


Blogger Sumana Sundaresan said...

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Blogger Trespasser said...

Well, it is his non-belief in the soul and heavy dependency on the mind which has made him say that. It is not wrong to have an identity. But it is wrong to have an ego based on that identity.


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