Zero = Infinity    *****    If you can enjoy sadness, then nothing can stop you from being happy always    *****    Love is the flow of positive energy from one soul to another   *****    An atheist can realise God more easily than the staunchest theist
May 07, 2005

Welcome to the Matrix.

Is the movie Matrix a prediction of our future lives? Think about it, as I go on to explain.

Internet is growing. More and more people are using it. Almost everyone having access to the internet now has two lives: a virtual one, and a real one. We make friends online similar to real life friends. We share our thoughts, feelings, talk, and some even fall in love over the net. This virtual self is slowly invading into the space of the real self.

Think what will happen if we continued this way. One day, invasion of the real self will be complete. We will each live in our own compartments, interacting with only virtual beings from all over the world. Because our virtual life's would have taken such importance, the real life will be redundant. Only the body will need to be sustained. Technological improvements would be such, we will not have to move out of the place to eat, defecate etc. Machines will do the job. We would be all wired up in the real world with different tubes, one to feed, another to clean and so on. By the time humanity reaches there, we would have filled up our air with all garbage that sunlight would no longer be available. But then, who needs them anyway, our technology will be good enough to meet our energy demands.

While all this is taking place in the real world, our virtual self would be enjoying the pleasure of sitting in front of a beautiful young girl wearing a red dress, admiring her, sipping coke, and eating pizzas.

Welcome to the Matrix.


Blogger Anurag said...



Blogger Naveen said...




good way to advertise my blog

Blogger Somebody Else said...

Its funny to see tht the great master is takin time off..(frm wht else but the analyse his...ours..the wrlds future....)...arent half of us there already???yea yea...the gizmos may b missin and ppl may have to do terribly painful gettin up and off frm the desk to tend to other matters...but we are quite there nonetheless...

sth funnier is typin all dis at 1.00 in da mornin...otherwise supposed to be doin sth caled "sleepin" whts dat?proof enuff?

Blogger Kiran said...

There is a difference, in Matrix, the machines forcefully do it...but in real life we ourselves are being the slaves...


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