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April 22, 2005

The Dialectical Approach to Philosophy

I am mugging for my humanities quiz tomorrow, and the above subject is an important part of the course. So, I thought it might be useful to jot down important points as I read along....I don't expect anyone to understand anything. But just get a sample taste of this, and you may be inspired to know more of it.

Dialectical approach has the following as its mainstay:
  • All of universe is changing
  • Change is immanent in the universe and is a property of everything.
  • Things change qualitatively because of inherent "contradictions". Contradictions implies a "unity of opposites", i.e. all of reality consists, in its innermost being, of the unstable coexistence and successive resolution of incompatible forces. Therefore, the concept of Being implies the concept of Nonbeing, and from this issues forth its resolution Becoming. A simpler example: Idea of Master implies Servant. It is not logical contradiction, but relational contradiction.
  • When applied to processes, contradiction means those "oppositions that are necessary, yet destructive of, particular processes". Conflicts are not contradictions. Eg: Capitalism, according to Marx.
  • In all processes, contradictory tendencies work themselves out. But dialectic approach thrown no light on the sequence of events by which they work out.
  • It is only a lens to view the world, but what is seen need not be same.
  • Problems not visible to nondialectical approach are opened up for exploration, but conclusions to which they may lead are not presribed by the approach
  • Unities are concepts introduced into reality by our minds. Unities contain contradictictory elements


Blogger bharath said...

well i am not able to make much sense of this...


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