Zero = Infinity    *****    If you can enjoy sadness, then nothing can stop you from being happy always    *****    Love is the flow of positive energy from one soul to another   *****    An atheist can realise God more easily than the staunchest theist
February 14, 2005

My thoughts on Valentine's Day

It seems odd that you need to actually dedicate a day to be with your loved ones.....I don't think it makes it more romantic if you are with your beloved, when everyone else is also being with their beloved. It looks something like an assembly drill, where someone comes and says "Attention" and you all stand in attention position. Here the calendar says "Feb 14th" and everyone makes plans to go out to a movie, or dinner. It gives it a structure, and this structuring is not good. It becomes artificial no matter how much you simulate interest, because you would not have bothered to do what you are doing on V-day if such a day didn't exist. My point is you must do it whether such a day exists or not.

Personally, I would like to go out on a dinner on any day, without any planning. Just call the wife/gf on the evening and go out. It is natural. There is the element of surprise which makes it nice too. V-day has no surprise because you know you are expected to do something, and so you do something. The details of what you do do not matter.

Basically, all this arises largely because of the fact the urban life is all about slogging all day till you drop dead by the time you return home in the evening, when you do not have enough life left in you to even smile at your loved ones. The bane caused by the economy i would say. Added to this is the insecurity that you have....whether your spouse is going to cheat on you.....which brings the necessity to let your loved ones know that you "love" them by giving them gifts, flowers etc. WHat bullshit! I can't see how flowers or cards can tell what your actions can't tell. So people felt they needed to spend some time together, and so thought of Feb 14, in memory of St. Valentine. If only people changed their way of living, we would need no V-day since there would be no market for it.

There is another question we must ask: Is it necessary to keep telling your loved ones that you love them? Is it not possible to have faith and trust, which is what relationships should be based on? These are questions that people who face insecurity in relationships should reflect upon.

My final say: If you are celebrating V-day because you feel you need to, then grow up. Become mature. Celebrate it only if you are completely sure that not celebrating it would not make any difference to the way you feel, and therefore you choose to celebrate rather than not. If you feel compelled to celebrate, please stop to think what compels you. It is not a question of right or wrong to celebrate it. It is a question of whether you celebrate it out of choice, or because of compulsion, which can be from the society, or media, or your spouse, or your own emotions.


Blogger Naveen said...

i wonder wht will b ur gf's reaction when she reads this blog..
cant imagine..hehe

now dont tell me.. u dont care..

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Valentine's day is the world's first corporate holiday. It is a devillish trick used by greeting card companies and other institutions to generate revenue.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude.. the thing is urban life is really as devlish as you claim it is..and i can agree maybe about the peer pressure bit..but u cant live in a society and not have that. Following your logic..why do we need any festivals??..pray to god on every day..why a specific day.
There are always going to be people around who'll commercialize but really if its love you're talking about I dont see anything wrong in having a day to celebrate your love, a day when everybody celebrates your love. Whether you want to do it is entirely up to you.

Blogger Sangeeta said...

Everyone is falling prey to marketing gimmicks:p

Blogger bharath said...

nice post da. i personally view it as a western influence. Indian culture never celebrated father's day, mother's day, Valentine's Day, Grand Parent's Day and so on for each and every possible relative. The system abroad is built in such a way that you need a day to remember each person you know. The indian society built-up does not need it at all. I dont see a point in celebrating it all. And also, one should realise that celebrating a day with a person and celebrating something related to god are two entirely un-related issues which should not be connected at all...


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